NANSLO Remote Lab Activity: Charge to Mass for Physics

This NANSLO lab activity is self-contained and can be used in physics courses. In this activity, a gas discharge tube and a pair of Helmholtz coils are used to examine the motion of electrons in a magnetic field. The lab activity includes background information on how these instruments are used to examine the motion of electrons in a magnetic field and provides equations that are used to measure the ratio of the electron charge to the electron mass by determining the potential difference used to accelerate electrons, the magnetic field strength, and the radius of the circular motion of the electron. The lab activity also includes a pre-lab exercise, lab exercises, data analysis activities, and an optional advanced analysis activity.
Primary Material Type:
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Funding Source:
NANSLO Remote Lab Activity: Charge to Mass for Physics uses a gas discharge tube and a pair of Helmholtz coils to examine motion of electrons in a magnetic field and includes equations to calculate data on the ratio of the electron charge to electron mass through potential difference, lab activity.

Industry / Occupation

Industry Partner:
Health Care
Industry Sector:
Health Care and Social Assistance (62)
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations -- Chiropractors (29-1011)

Education / Instructional Information

Instructional Program:
Physical Sciences (40)
Credit Type:
  • Credit
Credential Type:
  • Associate Degree
  • Bachelors Degree
Educational Level of Materials:
  • 1st year Community College or equivalent
  • 2nd Year Community College or equivalent
  • Upper division of Bachelors degree or equivalent
Time Required:
2 Hrs connected to laboratory through the Internet plus pre-lab and post-lab work
English (United States)
Interactivity Type:
Active - requires user to respond to prompts, questions, etc.
Quality Note:
Curriculum experts in this discipline worked with others to define learning objectives needed for this lab activity. Draft activity was shared among faculty. Based on feedback, lab activity was modified prior to distributing as final. Experts in remote web-based science labs who are also science faculty worked together to define the web-enabled interface design used by students to perform the lab activity via the Internet and created the lab setup (robotics, scientific equipment, and items needed to complete the lab activity) testing it with lab technicians and others prior to launching the final lab activity.
Quality of Subject Matter was assured by:
  • Consultations during development of instructional materials
Quality of Online/Hybrid Course Design assured by:
  • None
Course Note:
Physics courses

Copyright / Licensing

Primary License:
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.