Training for Employment (T4E)

Kansas City T4E will transition participants to high-wage, high-skill employment; ensure participant success; and meet employer needs by expanding and improving Kansas City Kansas Community College's (KCKCC's) ability to deliver education and career training programs in two years or less for TAA-eligible workers, veterans, and other adults. T4E will accomplish these goals by providing stacked and latticed curriculum in the career pathways in construction and advanced manufacturing; by developing articulation agreements with four year institutions; by using online and blended courses that incorporate multi-media; by integrating I-BEST practices and financial literacy, employability, and entrepreneurship training (FLEET); by providing intensive advising; by creating an online portal to facilitate information-sharing among stakeholders; and by strengthening and expanding partnerships with employers and workforce development agencies through the establishment and staffing of a Transition to Employment Center (TTE Center) for job placement services. Furthermore, T4E will identify and make available the specific intellectual property deliverables developed through the project for dissemination.

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