The Health e-Workforce Consortium will provide training in the high-demand, high-wage field of Health Information Technology for veterans and their eligible spouses, TAA-eligible individuals, and others, while addressing gaps in educational infrastructure and stimulating employment. Project initiatives to address these gaps include: a) Development and pilot of a Federally Registered Health IT Apprenticeship, launched in the veterans community; b) National Veterans Health IT Career Services Initiative; b) Curricula for new core Health IT courses and specialized areas of concentration; c) Evidence-based online course materials; d) Faculty development in Health IT; e) Training of 2,093 TAA-eligible individuals, veteran and their eligible spouses, and others in Health IT and Health IT-infused health care professions; f) Evidence-based student services to promote student retention and completion; g) A prior learning assessment model, and a subset for veterans; h) Development of EMR-STAR--a nationally accessible, cloud-based electronic medical record software access point for academic use; i) Development of statewide IT and Health IT core curriculum in Washington; j) A cross-institution collaborative program development model; and k) Expansion (WA), creation (VA) and modeling of State Health IT Industry--Education Councils and State Community College Health IT Collaboratives.