Advancing Career and Training for Healthcare (ACT)

ACT for Healthcare is a statewide project with participation from all 16 colleges in the Wisconsin Technical College System. The goals of ACT are to increase attainment of degrees, certifications, certificates, diplomas, and other industry-recognized credentials that match the skills needed by employers to better prepare TAA-eligible workers, veterans, and other adults for high-wage, high-skill employment or re-employment in the healthcare industry. ACT consortium members will work with 48 employers and industry representatives to develop, modify, and implement career pathways in identified occupational areas to improve and accelerate training and employment outcomes: 2452 participants served, 1562 participants will be completing a program of study, 1625 participants will earn credentials, 743 participants will obtain employment, and will deliver 96 new or modified courses (226 total credits), as well as 150 augmented reality learning simulations.  

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