Rh Type
Testing with Anti-D reagent is necessary to determine if red blood cells possess or lack the D blood group antigen. Agglutination of red blood cells with Anti-D reagent is a positive test result, which indicates the presence of the D antigen on the red blood cells. Absence of agglutination is a negative test result, which indicates the D antigen is not demonstrable. A test for weak D may be performed on samples that test negative with Anti-D to determine the Rh status.
- Date:
- 2015
- Primary Material Type:
- Simulation
- Institution:
- Lake Area Technical Institute
- Funding Source:
- TAACCCT Round 2
Industry / Occupation
- Industry Partner:
- Prairie Lakes Healthcare System
- Industry Sector:
- Health Care and Social Assistance -- Ambulatory Health Care Services -- Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories (6215)
- Occupation:
- Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations -- Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technicians (29-2012)
Education / Instructional Information
- Instructional Program:
- Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences (51)
- Educational Level of Materials:
- 2nd Year Community College or equivalent
- Interactivity Type:
- Active - requires user to respond to prompts, questions, etc.
- Quality of Subject Matter was assured by:
- Conducting an evaluation of the instructional materials and providing a report
- Quality of Online/Hybrid Course Design assured by:
- Course Note:
- Medical Laboratory Technician
Copyright / Licensing