Ohio TechNet CCC_EHST 1330

Both the official course outline and course syllabus includes relative content related to the Occupational, Health and Safety Act – Hazardous Waste Operation and Emergency Response Standard (29 CRF 1910.120) to provide a comprehensive instruction and training into the health and safety planning and procedures associated with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA) hazardous waste operator and emergency response (HAZWOPER) standard including: 1. uncontrolled hazardous waste site work; 2. hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facilities (TSDFs) operations; and 3. emergency preparedness and responses to hazardous materials incidents and releases. To assure comprehensive understanding prerequisite courses include: CHEM - 1010 Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry, or higher and EHST - 1301 Introduction to Environmental Technology, or MET - 1100 Technology Orientation, or CNST - 1281 Construction Engineering Orientation). This course is designed to meet training requirements for the “40 hour” off-site training portion of 29 CFR 1910.120 (the “HAZWOPER” standard) so as to provide OSHA certificate of training to students who completed the course and satisfactorily demonstrate core competencies associated with the standard. This two (2) credit hour lecture course offered during one week within the fall and spring semesters requires students possess a general understanding of environmental, health and safety related issues related to hazardous chemical awareness, response and planning.
Primary Material Type:
Other Material Types:
Workshop and Training Material
Cuyahoga Community College
Project Name:
Ohio TechNet
Funding Source:
Environmental, health or safety

Industry / Occupation

Industry Partner:
In 1998 the Environmental, Health and Safety Technology (EHST) Advisory Board prepared course curriculum materials in working partnership with the EHST Program manager and faculty.
Industry Sector:
Manufacturing -- Miscellaneous Manufacturing -- Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing (3399)
All Occupations (00-0000)

Education / Instructional Information

Credit Type:
  • Credit
  • Non-Credit
Credential Type:
  • Certificate
  • Stacked/Latticed Credential Model
  • Associate Degree
Educational Level of Materials:
  • 1st year Community College or equivalent
  • 2nd Year Community College or equivalent
English (United States)
Interactivity Type:
Mix of Active and Presentation.
Quality of Subject Matter was assured by:
  • SME Quality Report is posted in Skills Commons
Quality of Online/Hybrid Course Design assured by:
  • Industry Standard Quality Rubric; Custom Quality Rubric
  • Expertise of Project's Instructional Designers
Course Note:
Cuyahoga Community College – Environmental, Health and Safety Technology Program Associate of Applied Science

Copyright / Licensing

Primary License:
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.