Class Policy, Grades, Mechanics, etc.

Goals of the Class:

Learning to program is a lot like learning a foreign language (Spanish, German, etc.) or learning a musical instrument .... Practice is required.

The assignments in this class are designed to provide the necessary practice. At times the assignments may seem challenging. The goal of this class is that if you do well and complete these assignments, you will end up having some valuable programming skills.

It is important to stay caught up ... start the assignments early enough so that you can get help if you need it. Don't skip lectures, because each one has a purpose and in the end it may cost you some valuable information.

If you are having trouble understanding a concept or doing an assignment - Get Help. You will find out that there are many options for getting help in this class. One of the saddest things is when I know I have students who are struggling but for whatever reason they don't make use of the help that is provided.

Class Mechanics to achieve the above class goals:

  1. Blackboard is your starting place for everything. Buttons on the left provide you key course components.
  2. Lectures - All lectures are available as videos. They can be watched online. In Startup, there is a link called "Video Features" which attempts to highlight the characteristics of the videos. In most cases, the video will be downloadable in a standard format such as MP4. Watch them actively (not like watching TV). Two ways to watch the videos actively are:
  3. Lecture Characteristics - Because computer technology is always changing, the external web sites visited may look a little different. Some of these videos were created on a previous course that had a slightly different environment or formats. The navigational scheme has evolved and this does show up on some of the videos. In an attempt to make the videos more efficient for you, some video deletions have been made. These deletions may show up as minor discontinuities. Many of the deletions are related to Clem Hasselbach's asthma and needing to clear his throat and eliminating filler words like Um, OK, etc.

Class Policy:

  1. I expect everyone to abide by the WCC Students Rights and Responsibilities which includes student conduct in the classroom and issues of cheating. Actions which negatively affect other students learning experience, or actions of cheating will not be tolerated. I have been known to give a student a flunking grade for a class who was caught cheating.
  2. Cheating clarified - I do encourage student-student interaction through group study sessions and requiring class participation on the discussion board, posting questions, answers, etc. However, there is a difference between answering questions and out right copying solutions from other students. Being caught on any cheating activity will result in a serious penalty.

    Most of my tests are "open book" and "open web"
    . The "open web" means that you can access the lecture notes and solutions provided in the course. However, "open web" does not imply other cheating mechanisms are allowed. For example any of the following will be considered a violation of the cheating policy:


  1. Grade Composition
  2. Rubric - Often at the top assignments, a Rubric link will show up that describes characteristics expected from your assignment. For example, the Rubric is likely to request "properly indented code".
  3. Penalties for Late Assignments
  4. Grading Scale - The following is the default grading scale. At the end of the semester, a more generous scale than this posted grading scale may be considered.

MM versus DL sections:

  1. All of the material is available online for both the MM and the DL sections as described above. In a DL section, there is no class room time set aside for meeting with the instructor (note office hours are always available for all). For many students, this environment will work fine. In fact for some students the DL option is the only thing possible because of life/work constraints. Note that DL students can attend MM sections if help is needed.
  2. However, some students need/prefer the opportunity to participate in a more traditional class room setup. So this is why the MM(Mixed Mode) sections are offered. Although there will be no traditional lectures during these meeting times, the following benefits can be obtained from a MM section:

Now is a good time to watch the next video:

How to get a good Grade

May 6, 2015 11:21 PM