Training and Education in Advanced Manufacturing Educational Pathways Project (TEAM)

The T.E.A.M. Educational Pathways Project will enable members of the SUNY Statewide Community College Collaborative to provide over 3,000 of New York's TAA-eligible workers and unemployed veterans with the training and education required to find high-quality, high-wage jobs within the advanced manufacturing industry sector. With access to educational pathways aligned with advanced manufacturing industrial career pathways and third-party certifications, the T.E.A.M. Educational Pathways Project will support credential and degree attainment for participants in two years or less. A statewide process for designing and offering training and education programs will be developed with the intent to replicate the T.E.A.M. model across all community colleges, all academic programs in the applied and occupational sciences, and all industry sectors as part of project sustainability. The T.E.A.M. Educational Pathways Project incorporates eight key strategies in support of the five Core Elements of the TAACCCT SGA, including: (1) Develop and promote educational pathways in advanced manufacturing with clear entry and exit points to meet trainees' education and employment needs; (2) Build and offer uniform core and specialty curricula based on the USDOL competency model for Advanced Manufacturing and incorporating the NAM-Endorsed Manufacturing Skills Certification System; (3) Validate new and existing curriculum with industry and industry associations at the local, state and national levels; (4) Build and offer fast-track developmental education curricula in support of advanced manufacturing programming; (5) Offer core, specialty and developmental education courses via on-line and other alternative delivery formats; (6) Build and offer a uniform statewide system for awarding academic credit through prior learning assessment; (7) Provide centralized student services through campus-based T.E.A.M. Centers, working in partnership with the public workforce system; and (8) Build and implement a coordinated statewide approach to outreach, recruitment, and Earn and Learn models for the advanced manufacturing industry.

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