Design it - Build it - Ship it (DBS)

Design it - Build it - Ship it (DBS) is a regional workforce initiative that represents an unprecedented opportunity for the San Francisco East Bay Area to build accelerated, intensive, and regionally articulated programs of study so that TAA eligible, dislocated workers or unemployed adults can earn degrees or credentials of value enabling them to enter the workforce in industries with growing occupational demand and opportunities for career and wage advancement. DBS will create a regional workforce system driven by multiple areas of service articulation, including: 1. A regional education system with stackable certificates across 10 DBS community colleges, 2. Stronger and linked training referral and placement systems that integrate the work of the colleges and the WIA-funded One Stop Career Center System using expanded, jointly supported aptitude and career inventories, digitally mapped career training pathways, electronic referral and enrollment, and new systems for leveraging WIA, TAA, ETP and other government training resources within the community colleges, 3. Development of "career transfer pathways" from the community colleges into the University of California and the California State University and that will build articulation between advanced Career Technical Training pathways in the community colleges and transfer into STEM centered technical training programs in the 4 year systems.

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