GEOU Building Bridges: Strengthening Cross-Disciplinary Connections in Computer Science and Law

Georgetown will co-host two convenings bridging law and computer science, with the goal of producing a seminal white paper on how to form collaborations between CS and law. The goal of this initiative is to produce a set of resources and recommendations for faculty and institutions interested in developing courses and research partnerships that bridge Law and Computer Science. Given the ubiquity and impact of computer technology in our society, it’s hard to overstate the importance of educating technology-savvy lawyers, as well as technologists who are sensitive to the legal and policy implications of their innovations. Research partnerships, moreover, with experts in both disciplines, are essential to provide the grounding for reliable and informed decision-making by judges, regulators, policymakers, and private actors in this space. Universities interested in advancing true interdisciplinary teaching and research must think creatively about hiring, promotion, and faculty incentives. The goal of the White Paper is to celebrate and share this type of creative thinking.
Primary Material Type:
Program Planning Resources
Georgetown University
Funding Source:
Network Challenge Grant TAACCCT Round 1
public interest technology, PIT, White Paper, Law, community technology, technology community,

Industry / Occupation

Industry Sector:
Public Interest Technology -- Policy -- Internet freedom, net neutrality & more
23-1011: legal Occupations -- Lawyers

Education / Instructional Information

Credit Type:
  • Credit
Credential Type:
  • Bachelors Degree
Program Delivery Format:

Copyright / Licensing