Greater Cincinnati Supply Chain Career Development Center (SCCDC)

Greater Cincinnati Manufacturing Careeers Accelerator project serves a target population of TAA-eligible workers, veterans, displaced workers, and other adults underrepresented in manufacturing residing in a 10 county region in southern Ohio, northern Kentucky and southeastern Indiana. The target industry sector for this project is manufacturing. Program services are designed to assist individuals with reentry to the manufacturing workforce or career pathway advancement through the attainment of an industry recognized credential. These services include the following components: assessment, occupational skills training, and job placement assistance. A unique deliverable of this grant is the development of prior learning assessments for veterans that will equate to college credit. Employer partners include Wausau Paper, CTL Aerospace, Tomak Precision, and Rhinestahl. Public workforce system partners include the Southwest Ohio Regional Workforce Investment Board. The grantee proposes to serve 350 individuals. Program outcomes include the following: 280 individuals complete a program of study; 35 individuals are retained in a program of study; 280 individuals complete credit hours; 238 individuals attain a credential; 59 individuals enroll in further education; 108 individuals enter employment; 120 individuals are retained in employment; 104 incumbent workers receive a wage increase.  

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