Southeastern Economic and Education Leadership Consortium (SEELC)

Six colleges located in the southeastern section of the United States have banded together to form a unique and lasting partnership in order to improve education and training opportunities for dislocated workers, veterans and long-term unemployed adults, but more lastingly, facilitate a permanent change in approach to serving employers, workers and the community at-large. The Southeastern Economic and Education Leadership Consortium (SEELC) seeks to utilize the TAACCCT program as a means of systems change, whereby community colleges in a variety of diverse economic and demographic settings can serve as leaders in integrating a regional economic and workforce development—education partnership approach to improving the skills and employment of individuals, and in turn, foster a business growth climate that offers more opportunities for all members of the community. The six colleges in the SEELC have been specifically chosen to represent economic and demographic location diversity, and all reside in states whose governors and community leaders are working together to further economic and workforce systems change. Further, SEELC integrates an evidence-based approach to implementing a regionally-based economic, workforce and education partnership in support of the development of educational and career pathways tied to national industry standards and credentials in welding, machining and manufacturing.

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